
sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024

SF - The Golden Opportunity of Aaron

"Speak to Aaron and say to him: "When you light the lamps, the seven lamps you shall cast their light toward the face of the Menorah."

The twelve princes of the tribes of Israel were invited to participate in the inauguration of the Mishkan. When Aaron HaKohen realized he and his tribe were not included in the ceremonies he felt despondent. HaShem comforted him, "Aaron, your portion will be even more precious. You will light and attend to the kindling of the Menorah."

The Ohr HaChaim asks, how did HaShem's promise to Aaron remove his despondency. Isn't the dedication of the Altar different than lighting the Menorah? The Ohr HaChaim answers that the lamps of the Menorah were separate from the Menorah, as the verse states, "The Menorah and the lamps." Therefore, Aaron would remove the lamps, clean them, and restore them to the Menorah every day. Hence, HaShem gave him the opportunity to dedicate the Menorah every single day! Whereas, the dedication of the alter was a one time opportunity.


When we are troubled by our spiritual lacking, HaShem recognizes that we care, and grants us an opportunity to enhance our spiritual shortcoming. Be aware of your inner yearning to advance spiritually --- and ask HaShem to elevate you to new levels of growth.


(Based on the commentary of Rashi to B'HaOlasecha)


May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.
R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe
Meira Leah bas Michael
Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen
R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl 
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf
HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov
Moshe Fisher
HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch
HaRav HaGaon BZF

Refuah Shleimah
Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
Zivia bas Raizel
Tzvi ben Chana
Avner Shimon ben Argamon
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana
Chava Bas Michal Chanah
Mazal Malkah Mollie Bas Sarah
Nuna bas Nuna
Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora
Chaya Leah bas Sara
Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha
Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora
Shmuel Ben Navat
Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.
Daniella bat Sarah
Rise bat Faiga

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Israel 058 429 8471

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