
quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

Um Copinho de Vinho Embriaga?

Em Memória de Alter Yossef ben Shmuel, Hanne Bruche bat Hazel, Samuele ben Yossef, Samuel ben Avraham, Regina bat Alter, Aranka bat Shmuel Biniamin e Lea bat Michael Z"L

       A Torá declara (Vaikrá 10:9-11): "Não beba um vinho embriagante ao vir para a Tenda do Tabernáculo". O Talmud (Eruvin 64a) ensina que aqui também está incluída a ordem de um juiz não emitir nenhum veredito de Torá após beber um copo de vinho.

       Ao lermos este ensinamento, logo questionamos: um copo de vinho não altera tão significativamente a nossa capacidade de julgar?!! Sendo assim, por que uma quantia aparentemente inofensiva de vinho desqualificaria um juiz de emitir uma decisão de Torá?

        Se alguém descobre que estão faltando alguns gramas num pão de forma que comprou, provavelmente não ficará muito ressentido com o padeiro. Porém, se descobrir que estão faltando alguns gramas de ouro de uma joia que adquiriu, seguramente ficará muito aborrecido. Quanto mais então ao descobrir que está faltando uma parte muito pequena num diamante que comprou.

       A Torá ensina que um mero copo de vinho confunde a capacidade de julgar. Da mesma maneira que um desvio de milímetros pode fazer um trem descarrilar, assim também um pequeno desvio no intelecto pode causar que a pessoa envergue para fora do caminho da verdade.

        Preservemos a pureza e a integridade de nossos intelectos. Desta forma tomaremos decisões de acordo com os mais altos padrões de verdade, retidão e bondade!

Baseado no livro Ohr Rashaz, Parashat Shemini do Rabino Simcha Zissel Ziv (Lituânia, 1824-1898), conhecido como Alter de Kelm 

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SF - The Secret of Positive Thoughts

The Secret of Positive Thoughts

Thinking positive thoughts resonates with all of us. Yet, we often stray into  negative thought patterns while reflecting on other people (including ourselves). We all realize that this type of thinking is counterproductive. Is there something that can help us keep our thoughts focused on the good? Thankfully, Rabbi Yisrael Salanter revealed a life-changing principle that empowers us with the wisdom to master our thoughts. He condensed the guidelines of thought into one simple rule: "It is forbidden to think about another person, unless you are thinking how to help  him."

Lesson: Just as the Torah gives us laws that guide us to good actions, so too, the Torah enlightens us with the law of thought, that shows us the path to attain peace of mind, kindness, and joy.

Visualization: Envision that there is a filter on the gate of your mind. It only admits positive thoughts about others (and yourself) to enter your mind. Imagine the whole world engaging in positive and constructive thoughts about each other. See the light of goodness and harmony fill your mind, as well as, all of mankind.

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L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Reruah Shleimah R' Reuven Alter Mordecai ben Malka.
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016

O Amor Pela Paz

Em Memória de Alter Yossef ben Shmuel, Hanne Bruche bat Hazel, Samuele ben Yossef, Samuel ben Avraham, Regina bat Alter, Aranka bat Shmuel Biniamin e Lea bat Michael Z"L


Hilel disse: 'Seja como os discípulos de Aharon: ame a paz e procure a paz' (1:12)      
        A maior de todas as virtudes é a paz. No entanto, trata-se de um artigo que não existe em abundância no mundo. Qualquer um que se esforçar por resolver um conflito entre duas pessoas logo descobrirá que fazer as pazes é um processo muito complicado e delicado. A natureza sensível dos seres humanos muitas vezes induz brigas tolas e mesquinhas que perturbam a harmonia dos relacionamentos.

        Qual o segredo para se fazer as pazes?

        O grande Sábio Hilel revelou que existe um pré-requisito para conseguirmos promover a paz entre as pessoas: antes de tudo, devemos ser pessoas que "amam a paz". Devemos apreciar o seu valor e ansiar por ela do fundo de nossos corações. Só quando estivermos totalmente dedicados e comprometidos a esta meta é que teremos a capacidade de eficientemente fazer as pazes entre as pessoas.

        Uma vez que despertemos em nós a paixão pela paz, teremos a sabedoria de ignorar questões insignificantes e banais e a coragem e a firmeza para mantermos a paz em nossos relacionamentos. E se surgir um conflito, devemos resolver rapidamente o problema sempre com o foco de que a harmonia e a paz prevaleçam.

        Que possamos desenvolver um amor verdadeiro pela paz, nunca instigando discussões ou entrando em fuxicos e intrigas. Por sua vez, isto será a gênese do nosso amor e bom relacionamento com todos os demais!
Uma Ótima Semana a Todos!

Baseado nos comentários do Hida, Rabino Haim Yossef David Azulai (Israel e Itália, 1724-1806)

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SF - The Trust of King David

The Trust of King David

"HaShem my G-d, in You I put my trust, save me from all my pursuers and rescue me." (Tehillim 7:2) Instinctively, if a child is in need of help or protection, he intuitively turns to his parents for their assistance. The child's trust in his parents, inspires them even more to do everything in their power to insure the well-being of their child. So too, King David sensed that HaShem loved him unconditionally. Therefore, he placed his trust and security in the hands of HaShem's infinite compassion.  As soon as he turned to HaShem for his protection, HaShem awakened new dimensions of mercy and came to his rescue.

Lesson: When we recognize HaShem's love for us, we trust Him with our full hearts. He will inevitably save us from all of our troubles.

Visualization: Envision King David playing his harp and singing to HaShem with great joy, thanking HaShem for His endless kindnesses that He showers upon him. Recognize HaShem's goodness and strengthen your trust in HaShem. Be confident that HaShem will surround you with love and protection.
(Based on the commentary of Rav Moshe Dovid Valli) 

To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Reruah Shleimah R' Reuven Alter Mordecai ben Malka.
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016

SF - The Importance of Respect

The Importance of Respect

Five hundred years ago, there was a member of a community who had unusually long hair. Since he seemed to be eccentric, the community did not treat him with the proper respect. Eliyahu HaNavi appeared to the gabbai  of the Shul and told him that this man is an incredibly great Talmid Chacham, the very pillar of the world. The next morning the gabbai gathered the leaders of the community and told them of the man's greatness. He urged them to give the man the highest level of honor and respect. In addition, the gabbai said, "If what I have said is true, let me die today." He expired as soon as he said those words. The Torah scholar of the story was the holy MaHarshah, one of the greatest commentators of theTalmud.

Lesson: Every person is deserving of respect. Even if he appears to be "different," he deserves our respect. He might be a hidden tzadik. Even if he is not, he is still an "Image of HaShem," and the descendent of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaacov!

Visualization: Envision the shame and horror of the gabbai when he learned that the man he and the community had treated so poorly was the honorable MaHarshah. Never treat any human being disrespectfully. Honor and respect every person as if he were a king

To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Reruah Shleimah R' Reuven Alter Mordecai ben Malka.
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

SF - The Influence of a Good Friendship

The Influence of a Good Friendship

When Aaron HaKohen would notice a man not acting in accordance with proper Torah standards, he would befriend this person. The man would say to himself, "If Aaron knew my actions, he would not want to be my friend." The fear of losing Aaron as a friend would motivate him to improve his ways. How did Aaron come to know the wisdom of inspiring others to do teshuvah by befriending them?  Aaron, himself, was in a constant state of awe of HaShem. Indeed, the awe of HaShem that he experienced and the teshuvah that it awakened, was the very reason that HaShem chose him to be he Kohen Gadol! Aaron understood that just as his awe of HaShem inspired him to always improve himself, so too, the influence of a good friendship brings out the best in each other.

Lesson: A sense of awe of HaShem is the proper state of mind to serve HaShem. The more awe and humility we attain, the greater we are motivated to improve ourselves.

Visualization: Envision Aaron HaKohen as your friend or mentor. Feel the awe of being in his holy and pure presence. Be inspired to improve yours deeds and character traits so that you can continue to enjoy his friendship. 

(Based on the commentary of the Sefas Emes to the Torah)

To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to
L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shieimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Pinchas ben Gittel Rus
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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