The Power of Your Hebrew Name
Our personal name is like a spiritual "energy cell" that sparks our individual personality, positive character traits, and worthy aspirations. Just as HaShem used Hebrew letters to create the universe, so too, the power of the Hebrew letters that form our name endow us with holiness, purity, and wisdom. The free choice of man lies essentially in his decision to tap into the holy resource that emanates from his name.
Lesson: Our Hebrew name gives us the constant opportunity to discover our inherent, holy identity. We are guaranteed success in life as long as we follow the good influence inherently embedded within our name.
Visualization: Envision the Hebrew letters of your name. See the letters radiate goodness, holiness, and postive energy. Tap into the spirituality of your name and let it fill your heart, soul, mind, and body. Be inspired to act with pleasing character traits, wisdom, joy, and good deeds. (Based on Brachos 7b)