The Healing Words of Yoseph \ Parashat Vayigash
D'var Torah: "'I am Yoseph your brother, is my father still alive" (Bereishis 45:3). After Yoseph revealed himself to his brothers, he asked them, "Is my father still alive?" Yet, during the previous discussions with his brothers, they clearly emphasized that Yaacov was very much alive. If so, why did Yoseph ask about his father's status? Yoseph's startling revelation shook the brothers to their very core. Yoseph realized that his brothers feared that now that Yoseph had the upper hand, he would punish them for selling him as a slave. Therefore, he cried out, "Is my father still alive?" His intention was to strike the emotional cord that would bond and heal the family. "Is my father still alive" expressed to his brothers the inner feelings of his heart, "Let us make peace for the sake of our beloved father." He reassured them that his only concern was the welfare of his father, and making peace with his brothers.
Moral: With a few wise and sensitive words Yoseph stitched together the broken pieces of his family -- rallying everyone around their beloved father, Yaacov Avinu.
Application: Imagine the shock of Yoseph"s brothers when Yoseph said to them, "I am Yoseph your brother." Sense their unease knowing that Yoseph had the power to "settle the score." Imagine their relief when Yoseph asks, "Is my father alive?" Stay focused on the powerful emotional core of your loving relationships and strengthen the love and unity. Be inspired by Yoseph to use your words to bring comfort, healing, joy, and peace to your loved ones. We're on a search! Looking for a Shul or community to support the seminal Salant Kollel and Mussar Centre. makes it easy. Please contact Rabbi Zvi Miller for further information, at Thank you! |