D'var Torah: The Divine Wisdom of the Torah connects us to HaShem and lifts us beyond the limitations of the natural order. The Greeks professed that the world runs according to nature, and that there is no spiritual realm. They tried to deprive us of our spiritual powers by imposing cruel decrees aimed at eliminating Torah observance. How did we win this spiritual war? The eight days of Hanukah always includes a Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh. In addition, the eight days of the festival alludes to Bris Milah which is performed on the eighth day. Shabbos refers to the sanctification of Klal Yisrael, Rosh Chodesh refers to the sanctification of time, and Bris Milah refers to the sanctification of the physical body. Our determination to fight for the holiness of Torah observance awakened the great miracles of Hanukah.
Moral: The sanctification of the Jewish People through Shabbos observance, the sanctification of time through Rosh Chodesh, and the sanctification of the body through Bris Milah enriches our spiritual powers and opens the channels of Divine Intervention.
Application: Strengthen your observance of one Mitzvah, good deed, or Torah study. As you strengthen your observance, your draw yourself closer to HaShem. Awaken the compassion of HaShem to bless you with holiness and light. Reflect on the countless miracles of HaShem that flow into your life, granting you spiritual elevation, success, and joy.
(Based on the writings of the Arizal)