In the Shade of Your Wings \ Tehillim
"חנני אלקים חנני כי בך חסיה נפשי ובצל כנפך אחסה עד יעבור הוות"
"Be gracious to me, Elokim, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in You, and in the shade of Your wings I will take refuge until the troubles pass" (Tehillim 57:2).
While hiding from King saul, King David found himself in a tight spot. King Saul entered the very cave that King David was hiding to protect himself. He prayed, "Be gracious to me, Elokim, be gracious to me." Meaning, save me from killing King Saul and save me from King Saul killing me.
King David also prayed, "for my soul takes refuge in You." He supplicates that just as he trusts HaShem for protection, he asks HaShem to protect him from harming others.
King David concludes his heartfelt prayer, "in the shade of Your wings I will take refuge until the troubles pass." This phrase contains a precious lesson! When King David encountered dire straits, he knew that HaShem was there with him "in the shade of Your wings."
Instead of assuming that HaShem abandoned him, King David trusted that the Divine Providence was overseeing the events. In light of this, he prayed, "in the shade of Your wings I will take refuge until the troubles pass." Meaning, King David had absolute trust that HaShem was there with him, but just concealed. Therefore, he prayed, "in the shade of Your wings I will take refuge."
Ultimately, HaShem answered his prayers, and King David emerged unscathed from the life-threatening predicament.
Let us learn from King David to trust in Hashem, even in situations where it seems that HaShem has withdrawn His favor! Although HaShem is hidden, He is still very much there with us! When enduring hardships, know that HaShem is there and awaiting our sincere prayer, "in the shade of Your wings I will take refuge."
(Based on the commentary of RaMad Valli)