D'var Torah: Klal Yisrael attained peak spirituality when they received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Each successive generation after Sinai becomes a little more spiritually diminished. Nevertheless, since the challenges of the later generations are far more difficult, HaShem greatly rewards their efforts to uphold the Torah. Amazingly, HaShem considers the encumbered later generations as even greater than earlier generations, who were like living-angels. In the same light, in the generation prior to the arrival of the Meshiach, the world will be cast in spiritual darkness. The member of the Jewish people, who fulfill the Torah, despite the awesome impediments and impurity of our times, are the true spiritual heroes. Indeed, the merit of Klal Yisrael who uphold the Torah and Torah values in these challenging times, will awaken HaShem's compassion and bring the final redemption.
Moral: A person who starts off on a low spiritual level, and overcomes his inner being by transforming himself to pure goodness, exercises the true power of free choice. He merits the highest spiritual reward.
Application: Envision Avraham Avinu living in a society of idol-worshippers, devoid of all awareness of HaShem. See him contemplate the world and come to the realization of the existence of the all-powerful Creator. Each day Avraham strengthens his faith in HaShem and commits to His laws of goodness. Avraham Avinu emulates the kindness of HaShem, and spreads the knowledge of HaShem to the entire world. HaShem blesses Avraham with the ultimate dimension of praise, joy, and reward.
(Based on the commentary of Rav Yechezek Sarna to Mesilat Yesharim)