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HaShem's Unbounded Compassion \ Tomer Devorah
In the sensitive realm of interpersonal relationships, if someone offends his friend, the level of intimacy might be permanently compromised. Meaning, even when the "offender" apologizes, the offended party may not be open to the same love that previously characterised their friendship.
However, in the spiritual realm, if someone commits a misdeed, and then performs "repentance," HaShem will love him even more than He did before! This trait of Divine Compassion is called, "Yishuv Yerachamenu."
HaShem created the world with the Hebrew letter "ה." The "ה" is a three-sided structure, that is wide open at the bottom. This symbolizes that whoever wants to follow the whims of his body is free to do so. However, by lusting after the material delights of this world, he removes himself from the Presence of HaShem.
The "ה" also has a small opening at the top left side. Whoever wants to return to HaShem strives to enter this small opening and HaShem will compassionately accept him. Even more amazing is the fact that HaShem will love him, even more than before! Why? Because HaShem acknowledges how hard he worked to overcome his nature.
In light of this, our Sages taught, "The penitent merit to bask in the Light of HaShem, and even the totally righteous are not granted access to enjoy such closeness to HaShem!"
Not only does HaShem love him, he loves him even more than before he repented!
Let us strengthen our trust in HaShem's unbounded love for us and His infinite compassion. Envision HaShem elevating you to the Hightest Level of Gan Eden and saying to you, "My love and affection for you has no limits."
(Based on Tomer Devorah of Rabbi Moshe Cordevaro)