
terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2020

SF - The Marvels of Mezzuzah \ Sefer Chareidim

SF - The Marvels of Mezzuzah \ Sefer Chareidim

"It is a Mitzvah to give tzedakah with kindheartedness and joy, as Scripture writes (Devarim 15:8), "You shall surely open your hand to him." We need to be more conscientious with the Mitzvah of tzedakah than any other Mitzvah because giving tzedakah is a sign of a tzakid, a descendant of Avraham Avinu! As the verse writes regarding Avraham Avinu (Bereisheit 18:19), "For I have loved him, because he will charge his give tzedakah." Quote from"Sefer Chareidim," written by Rabbi Elazar Azcari, of Blessed Memory.

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The Marvels of Mezzuzah \ Sefer Chareidim

"And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates” (Devarim 6:9). 

This verse refers to the Mizvah of affixing a Mezzuzah on your doorpost. When a person enters or exists his home, he places his hand upon the Mezuzah and says, “May HaShem guard my going and coming from now and forever.” HaShem's holiness surrounds the person and protects him at all times.

Let's reflect on the truth that HaShem is Master of our house! We are all guests of HaKodesh Baruch Hu. All of our possessions belong to HaShem, and He protects us both inside the home as well as outside the house.

When we practice the Mitzvah of Mezzuzah in this manner, we will be aware the entire day that we are in the holy Presence of HaShem.

Mezzuzah was the first Mitzvah that Naomi taught to Ruth, her daughter-in-law. Naomi intended to convey to Ruth that the Jewish home is a different dimension than the non-Jewish home. HaShem is the Master of our homes, and He permeates our residence with His beauty, purity, and holiness. The preciousness of His Torah and the sacredness of His Mitzvot, fills our souls with life, light, and joy.

Once Ceasar sent soldiers to arrest Onkales, who had converted to Judaism. Onkelas kissed the Mezzuzah when the soldiers escorted him out of his home. They asked him, “What is that thing and why did you kiss it?” Onkales responded, “An earthly king sits inside the palace and his soldiers stand outside to protect him. Conversely, HaShem, the King of the universe, sits outside our home and guards us, while we reside peacefully inside the home!”

Let us internalize the preciousness of the Mitzvah of Mezzuzah and heighten our awareness that theHoly One Blessed, Be He is the Master of our house, and we are his grateful guests!
(Based on Sefer Chareidim and Avodah Zora 11)
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