Dedicated for Refuah Shleimah to Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta
Man is Greater Than the Angels
When Moshe Rabenu ascended to Heaven to receive the Torah, the angels objected! They were concerned that man's earthly nature would prevent him from fulfilling the Torah. Moshe responded that the base qualities of man was the very reason why the Torah is more appropriate for man than it is for the angels.
Lesson: The angels are created as holy beings, requiring no effort to attain there high spiritual status. Whereas, man must battle human nature in order to attain holiness. It is the very great effort that man makes to master over his yetzer hora, that elevates him to a higher level than the angels.
App: Be confident in knowing that Torah study empowers your holy soul to attain the ultimate levels of wisdom, purity, and closeness to HaShem.
(Based on Gemorah Shabbos 58 as explained by Lev Eliyahu)
L'iluye Nishamos Rav Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph