
sexta-feira, 3 de março de 2017

SF - The Secret of Attaining Holiness

The Secret of Attaining Holiness

"ועשו לי ארון עצי שטים"  
"And they shall make for Me an Ark of acacia wood" 
(Shemos 25:10) 

The holy mishkan -- Tabernacle -- reveals  the secret of the holiness of man.  The first vessel of the mishkan that HaShem instructed Moshe to make was the  aron habris -- the Ark of the Covenant which housed the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments, the essence of the Torah, is the holy nucleus that sanctifies all of the Divine Service that takes place in the surrounding chambers of the mishkan

Lesson: Just as Torah sanctified the Divine Service in the Mishkan, so too, man sanctifies himself by making the Torah the center of his life. He elevates his mundane activities by intending to fulfill them as a Mitzvah of the holy Torah.     

Visualization: Envision the Torah emanating light upon the Mishkan. Sense the holiness of the Mishkan fill your soul. Contemplate on the holiness of the Torah before you act, and fill your deeds with sanctity, joy, and closeness to HaShem.
(Based on the commentary of Ohr RaShaz, The Saba Kadisha of Kelm) 

*New printing of the Salant Foundation's "Ohr Yisrael"

*Salant Foundation Publications" Click Here

*To schedule a ten-minute phone consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, send email to

L"N Rav Yochanon Mordecai Ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leach bas Yehudah

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Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta
 Zelta bas Chana 
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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