
terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2024

SF - Take Advantage of Life's Opportunities

"And HaShem said to Moshe, "And you shall give from your splendor to Yehoshuah" (BaMidbar 27:20). The phrase "you shall give from your splendor" implies that Moshe gave a portion of his splendor to Yehoshuah. "The Elders of that generation said, 'The face of Moshe is like the sun and the face of Yehoshuah is like the moon. Woe to that shame, woe to that embarrassment!" Yet, a question arises. Since Yehoshuah reached an incredibly high level of greatness and prophecy, why is it considered an "embarrassment" that he didn't reach the incomparable level of Moshe Rabenu? Rather, the answer is that the Elders expressed their own shame and embarrassment! They were Yehoshuah's peers from their early youth. Yet, Yehoshuah, alone, realized the opportunity that HaShem gives to each person. He took the initiative to fully develop his potential and continuously advance in Torah studies, Mitzvot, and good character traits. Upon realizing that they did not take advantage of their opportunity to grow, the Elders felt ashamed in contrast to Yehoshua's greatness.

Every person has the opportunity to develop his spiritual strengths.The success of person's spiritual attainment depends on the effort that he invests to develop his potential. Therefore, the key to success is each person's awareness that he, alone, must motivate himself to grow.

Envision Yehoshua as a young child playing with his friends. See him steadily advance in his quest for spirituality. See him take upon himself the daily task to arrange the benches in the Beis Midrash. And he inspires himself to be get close to Moshe and becomes his most dedicated student. Take advantage of your life and strive to improve yourself each and every day.

(Based on the commentary of the Chofetz Chaim to the Torah)


May the souls who left this world be remembered for a blessing.

R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Mordecai ben Rav Moshe and Rebbitzen Mazel Malka bas Sara

Meira Leah bas Michael

Basha Elka bas Moshe HaCohen

Devorah bas Moshe

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Yisrael ben HaRav HaGaon Zev Wolf

HaRav HaGaon Rebe Moshe ben HaRav HaGaon Yacov

Moshe Fisher

HaRav HaGaon Daniel Zvi ben Avraham Chanuch

HaRav HaGaon BZF

R' Maair Ben R' Yakutiel and Javayeer z"tl

Refuah Shleimah

Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Ettta

Zivia bas Raizel

Tzvi ben Chana

Avner Shimon ben Argamon

Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana

Chava Bas Michal Chanah

Nuna bas Nuna

Yakir Efraim Ben Rachel Devora

Chaya Leah bas Sara

Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora

Shmuel Ben Navat

Chanah Tauba bat Tzilah.

Daniella bat Sarah

Rise bat Faiga

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