In Memory of Israel's Fallen Soldier Liel Gidoni
The Five Stones of King David
King David took five stones from the water in preparation for his confrontation with the evil giant, Goliath. Miraculously the five stones melted into one stone. King David merited to subdue Goliath, by striking him in the forehead with that very stone.
Lesson: The five stones correspond to the five words "Shema Yisrael HaShem Elokenu HaShem" followed by "Echad" -- the declaration of the Unity of HaShem.
App: When you recite Shema Yisrael, have in mind the Unity of HaShem. Remember that our steadfast trust in HaShem and His Unity, awakens the merit to subdue our enemies.
[Based on the commentary of RaMad Vali to Tehillim]