Klal Yisrael Are Like the Stars
"He counts the number of stars and He calls each one by name."
[Tehillim 147:4]
The Torah likens us to the stars. HaShem counts the innumerable stars and calls each one by name. How much more so, HaShem cares for and cherishes Klal Yisrael, whose souls are rooted in pure holiness.
Lesson: At the time of our redemption there is no question HaShem will gather every single Jewish person from the four corners of the earth and call each one of us by name.
App: Be confident that HaShem guarantees to give us a glorious future. Just as importantly know that HaShem loves you and will call you by your name when the ge'ulah occurs.
[Based on the commentary of the RaMad Vali to Tehillim]