Purim and The Secret of Accepting the Torah With Love
Our Sages tell us that the miracles of Purim inspired Klal Yisrael to accept the Torah with love! They realized that the events of every day life are the consequences of our actions. When we fulfill the Torah we are blessed. In light of this awareness, they willingly decided to comply with the Torah and gain its awesome rewards.
Lesson: The realization that the events of our lives are hidden miracles that are precipitated by our actions, inspires us accept and fulfill the Torah with joy.
App: Consider how the events of our lives correspond to our relationship to the Torah and its Mitzvos. Unify your mind and body to follow the ways of HaShem, and connect to the Source of goodness, light, and joy.
(Based on Chochmah U'Mussar of the Saba M'Kelm)
L'iluye Nishamos Rav Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph
Dedicated to Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta for Refuah Sheleimah