We often wonder, "What message is HaShem conveying to us?" Our holy sages reveal the primary message that HaShem continuously transmits to Klal Yisrael: "My beloved children, all I ask of you is that you love each other, honor each other, and respect each other; and that there be no injustice amongst you."
Lesson: Our purpose is to live peacefully together as the children of HaShem. When we treat each other with friendship and respect, we are pleasing to HaShem, and deserving of His sweetest blessings.
Visualization: Make a special effort to be kind, warm, and gracious to every person. Envision these good virtues personified in every member of Klal Yisrael creating a sensitive, kind, and harmonious society that awakens great blessings, miracles, and redemption!
(Based on the Middos V'Mitzvos, of the Chofetz Chaim)