The Inherent Goodness of Man
Our nobel mission on this earth is to rectify our character traits and fill our hearts with pure goodness. Each one of us intuitively yearns to be the best person we can be. Even more, to act with love and compassion to all of HaShem's creations. When we attain this level of goodness we bring to life the holy Image of G-d, which is our true essence. Sometimes, we might feel that we are incapable of reaching such a lofty goal. However, the Torah assures us that the Divine attributes of kindness and mercy are permanently implanted into the nature of our very souls.
Lesson: Since we are created in HaShem's image, it is absolutely certain that we can master of ourselves and attain personal excellence. The more we strive to activate the true essence of our soul, the more will discover our inherent goodness and compassion. We will experience true inner joy which we will share with other people and relate to them with love, kindness, and sensitivity.
Visualization: Envision Rachel Emenu's selfless act of kindness in giving the signs to her sister, Leah. Be encouraged by remembering that your true essence is immutably good. Keep in mind that man's true purpose is to be kind and compassionate - and strive to improve yourself a little more each day.
(Based on Tomer Devorah and the commentary Divrei Moshe)