The Gates of Tears Are Never Closed
Inspiration: When a person prays to Hashem and is moved to tears, he can rest assured that his prayer ascends directly to HaShem. He can be confident that Hashem empathizes with him due to the principle that "the Gates of Tears are never closed." It is for certain that HaShem immediately sees his heartfelt tears and He responds with great compassion and kindness. Indeed, HaShem accepts the tears, themselves, as the most powerful prayer.
Lesson: A person who prays to HaShem with tears needs no words of prayer. He needs only to ask HaShem to mercifully accept the "prayer of his tears."
App: Imagine HaShem counting all of our tears and awakening new dimensions of compassion, kindness, and redemption for His beloved people. Offer a prayer to HaShem with renewed intensity and know that your prayer is immediately accepted by HaShem. Trust that HaShem, our Merciful Father, will send you a miracle today. (Based on Brachos 32b and Rashi)