"Your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother, Benyamin" (Bereishit 45:12).
Rashi explains that Yosef equated all of his brothers to Benyamin. He essentially communicated to his brothers, "Just as I harbor no hatred in my heart toward Benyamin—who was not involved in selling me as a slave—I also hold no animosity toward you, my brothers, who participated in that act."
The strength of character that Yosef displays is remarkable! Despite the fact that his brothers conspired against him, sold him into slavery, and caused him immense suffering, Yosef managed to free himself from any negative feelings towards his brothers. What method did Yosef use to eliminate the animosity from his heart?
Yosef had absolute trust in Hashem! He believed in Hashem's hashgacha pratis (Divine supervision), as he told his brothers, "It was not you who sent me here; rather, Hashem sent me here to be a father to Pharaoh" (Bereishit 45:8). He trusted that the ultimate outcome of his troubles would lead to his benefit.
In light of his unwavering trust and faith in Hashem, Yosef overcame his resentment toward his brothers. As Rashi explained, "Just as I harbor no hatred in my heart for Benyamin, I harbor no hatred toward you."
Today: Strengthen your trust and faith in Hashem. Cultivate a positive, optimistic, and hopeful outlook, which will invite Hashem's blessings into all your endeavors.