"See that 'rah' (calamity) is before you." (Shemos 10:10)
Rashi cites the Midrash, which tells us that Pharaoh consulted his astrologers. They informed him that a star, 'rah,' symbolizes Klal Yisrael's blood in the Wilderness. Therefore, Pharaoh denied Moshe’s request to take all of Klal Yisrael into the Wilderness to serve Hashem. He informed Moshe of the impending calamity and said that he could only take the men into the Wilderness.
The calamity that the astrologers saw was the judgment of Hashem following the sin of the golden calf. Moshe responded in his prayer on behalf of Klal Yisrael, stating that "the Egyptians will see the 'rah' (calamity) of Klal Yisrael." Immediately, Hashem accepted Moshe's plea and transformed the blood associated with the calamity into the blood of circumcision.
From this, we learn that astrologers can only see indications of future events. However, Hashem, Who is the Master of the world, has the power to change calamities into positive outcomes.
Today: Let us strengthen our trust in Hashem, recognizing that He is in control of the events in our lives. Hashem alone can transform adverse situations into positive ones, both on a communal and personal level.
Note: This week, we learned that Klal Yisrael suffered under Egyptian bondage as a result of speaking Lashon Hara. In today’s world, we are constantly exposed to social media and news broadcasts, where Lashon Hara is widespread. We would love to hear from our subscribers: What practical steps can we take to address and rectify this issue in our own lives and communities? Thank you for your valuable insights and support! |