"The Israelites went and did so, just as God had instructed Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron did so as well..." (Shemos 12:28)
Rashi comments on the verse, "The Israelites went and did so," which implies that they fulfilled the Mitzvah on Rosh Chodesh. Hashem indeed commanded Klal Yisrael on Rosh Chodesh Nisan to take a lamb and tie it to their bed. However, the actual Mitzvah of slaughtering the lamb was scheduled for two weeks later on Erev Pesach (the fifteenth of Nisan). If that is the case, why does the Torah imply that they fulfilled the Mitzvah on Rosh Chodesh?
Rashi resolves this question by stating that since they accepted upon themselves to fulfill the Mitzvah on Rosh Chodesh, Hashem considers it as if they fulfilled the Mitzvah on that day! Amazingly, the intention to fulfill the Mitzvah merits them with the actual fulfillment of the Mitzvah.
The Chofetz Chaim explains that the Sages say, "Hashem wants the heart!" This means that the heart's intention alone credits them with the Mitzvah, even if the actual performance occurs later.
Today: Let us rejoice that Hashem considers our intention to fulfill the Mitzvah as if we have performed it.
Note: This week, we learned that Klal Yisrael suffered under Egyptian bondage as a result of speaking Lashon Hara. In today’s world, we are constantly exposed to social media and news broadcasts, where Lashon Hara is widespread. We would love to hear from our subscribers: What practical steps can we take to address and rectify this issue in our own lives and communities? Thank you for your valuable insights and support!
"The only solution is to do what Rabbi Miller recommends... cut loose! drop out of all groups that do not disallow loshon hora."
Wishing you and yours ... good health, bsoros tovos, simcha, brachos, yeshuos, hatzlacha,Yiddishe nachas and... kol tuv!
May we be zochim to hasten Bias Goel Tzedek,and rejoice in the Geulah!!
Mrs. T Younger