
sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2017

SF - A Healing Remedy for the Soul

A Healing Remedy for the Soul

After Klal Yisrael worshipped the golden calf, Yisro joined them in the Sinai desert. He assumed that since they had committed such a grievous act, that he was greater and more meritorious than them. However, Moshe explained to him that Klal Yisrael was not really responsible for their involvement with the golden calf. Rather, Hashem orchestrated this incident in order to encourage wayward people in future generations. They would reason: Hashem had accepted the repentance of the holy nation of Klal Yisrael, even though they had acted foolishly. So too, HaShem will surely accept the repentance of people who are not as elevated as the great generation who witnessed the open miracles of HaShem.

Lesson: Bouncing back gracefully from a mistake or misdeed is challenging. HaShem, in His great compassion, prepared an effective remedy to give us the confidence to correct our path, recharge ourselves, and go forward with positive energy and good deeds.

Visualization: Envision someone from our generation who experiences a lapse of faith in HaShem. When he catches himself, he laments: "How could I doubt HaShem?" He then reflects on the great generation that HaShem redeemed from Egypt. He regains his confidence by reminding himself that Hashem accepted their repentance and forgave them. There is no question that Hashem will certainly accept his sincere efforts to rectify his passing loss of faith.
(Based on the commentary of the Chossom Sofer)

*New printing of the Salant Foundation's "Ohr Yisrael"Click Here

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 Zelta bas Chana 
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