Love is the Source of Life
"In the light of the King's countenance is life." (Mishlei 17:16)
"The light of the King's countenance" refers to the great joy of love that HaShem has for His creations. The emanation of "His smiling countenance" shines upon His creations. Just as love between people awakens great joy in the heart of the beloved, so too, the soul's joy of receiving HaShem's love is the very spark of life.
Lesson: The constant love and compassion of HaShem flows upon us with endless blessings of life, Torah, peace, and loving-kindness.
App: Emulate HaShem by greeting each person with a cheerful countenance. Radiate joy, friendliness -- and life -- to whomever you see.
(Based on Tomer Devorah, Rav Moshe Cordevaro, Giviah Zahav)