Dedicated in Honor of Marty Baumrind
The Key to Spiritual Growth and Empowerment \ Parashat Vayeitzei
D'var Torah: "And it came to pass when Rachel gave birth to Yoseph"
(Bereishis 30:28). Our Sages revealed that Yoseph was the nemesis of Esau, as the prophet Ovadiyah revealed, "The house of Yoseph shall be a flame and the house of Esau shall become stubble." Yoseph's name signifies "increase." Yoseph continuously grew spiritually stronger, each day of his life, steadily increasing in holiness. Whereas, Esau's name connotes "finished." Esau saw himself as perfect, he saw no reason to strive for inner improvement. In contrast, Yoseph's constant effort to better himself empowered him with the strength to defeat Esau.
The key to Yaacov's power was his realization that there is no end to spiritual growth. The more Yaacov worked on self-improvement, the more the power of his holiness increased. Ultimately, Yaacov emerged as the flame of goodness that defeats and overcomes the evil quest of Esau.
Application: Envision Yaacov constantly focused on improving his actions and refining his character traits. Yaacov elevates himself a little more each day, always striving to grow in holiness, kindness, and wisdom. See how Esau's complacency and arrogance renders him stagnant and vulnerable. Envision Yaacov bursting into a great flame and consume the evil Esau. Strive to improve yourself a little more, each and every day.
(Based on the commentary of Rav Dov Yaffe on the Shem M'Shmuel)