The Divine Wisdom of the Torah connects us to HaShem and lifts us beyond the limitations of the natural order. The Greeks believed that the world operates solely according to nature, dismissing the existence of a spiritual realm. They attempted to undermine our spiritual strength by imposing cruel decrees meant to eliminate Torah observance.
How did we prevail in this religious struggle? The eight days of Chanukkah always include a Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh. Furthermore, the eight days of this festival allude to Brit Milah, which is performed on the eighth day after birth. Shabbat symbolizes the sanctification of Klal Yisrael, Rosh Chodesh represents the sanctification of time, and Brit Milah signifies the sanctification of the physical body. Our determination to uphold the holiness of Torah observance overcame our stubborn enemies and awakened the great miracles of Hanukkah.
The sanctification of the Jewish People through Shabbat observance, the sanctification of time through Rosh Chodesh, and the sanctification of the body through Brit Milah enrich our spiritual powers and open the channels for Divine Intervention.
Today: Strengthen your observance of one mitzvah, good deed, or Torah study. As you deepen your devotion, draw yourself closer to HaShem. Awaken the compassion of HaShem to bless you with holiness and light. Reflect on the countless miracles of HaShem that flow into your life, granting you spiritual elevation, success, and joy. (Based on the writings of the Arizal)
The Rambam writes, "The Mitzvah of lighting the Chanukah lights is a very beloved Mitzvah." The fact that the Rambam does not make this statement about any other Mitzvah prompts us to explore the unique quality of kindling the Chanukah Menorah.
The Torah tells us that Klal Yisrael enjoys the special status of being beloved by HaShem as His own children. However, the Talmud raises an important question: Does HaShem love us as His children only when we are aligned with His Torah? Or does HaShem’s love for us remain unconditional, regardless of our adherence to the Torah? The Talmud concludes that HaShem’s love for Klal Yisrael is unwavering and unconditional, even when we stray from His path.
During the time of the Greeks, many in Klal Yisrael succumbed to the influence of paganism, and, unfortunately, many remained unrepentant. A small, righteous group—led by the Chashmonayim—held fast to Torah observance. Despite the majority of Klal Yisrael being spiritually distant from HaShem, He chose to reveal His infinite love for us by performing the great miracles of Chanukah. The miraculous victory over the Greeks, and the continued endurance of the Jewish people, were a testament to HaShem’s unconditional love—His commitment to us, even in our moments of spiritual weakness.
This revelation of HaShem’s undying love for Klal Yisrael makes the observance of Chanukah particularly cherished. Just as parents love their children unconditionally, so too does HaShem, the Merciful Father of Klal Yisrael, love us without condition or limit.
Today: As you kindle the Chanukah lights, take a moment to reflect on HaShem’s boundless love for Klal Yisrael. Contemplate the miracles He performed for us—even when many were far from His ways. Close your eyes and open your heart to experience the unwavering love and compassion HaShem holds for you. Rejoice in knowing that you are a recipient of His unequivocal love, every moment of your life. (Based on Ya’aros Davash) |