Initially, Matisyahu ben Yochanon and his followers hid from the Greek army. The Greeks were mighty warriors, highly trained in battle, while Matisyahu and his associates were neither skilled nor equipped for warfare.
However, everything changed when the Greeks desecrated the altar by offering an impure animal. In that moment, a surge of Divine strength filled Matisyahu. Inspired by this newfound power, he courageously rose up to fight against the Greeks, even though they vastly outnumbered and outmatched him. As we say in our prayers, "You delivered the strong into the hand of the weak."
In terms of natural abilities, it seemed impossible for Matisyahu and his small group to defeat the mighty Greek forces. But once they were infused with Divine strength, they were able to defy all odds. Guided by the purity of his heart and an unwavering faith in Hashem, Matisyahu led his people to victory.
Today: Let us listen to the call of our hearts and strengthen our trust in Hashem. Just as Matisyahu was empowered in his time of need, so too can we draw strength from our faith, knowing that with Hashem's help, no challenge is too great.
Note: When mentioned yesterday bring the redemption by "unconditional means," we did not mean ways that are not according to Halachah. |