"May Hashem grant you compassion before the man" (Bereicheis 43:13).
Upon returning from Egypt, Yaakov's sons shared the harsh treatment they endured from the Egyptian leader. Unbeknown to Yaacov, the Egyptian leader was Yoseph, his beloved son. It begs the question: Why did Yaakov refrain from calling for the leader's demise?
When Yaakov left Lavan's household, he was unaware that Rachel had secretly taken her father's idols. During this time, Yaakov had proclaimed (Bereishis 31:32), "With whomever you find your gods, he shall not live." Tragically, as a consequence, Rachel died during childbirth while giving birth to Benyamin—an outcome Yaakov would have never wished for.
Understanding that his inadvertent words had led to Rachel's untimely death, Yaakov chose to hold back any harmful words against the Egyptian leader. As a result, he saved himself from causing the demise of Yoseph, his beloved son. Instead, he sent thoughtful gifts from the land of Israel and blessed his sons, saying, "May Hashem grant you favor in the leader's eyes."
Today: Let us strive to speak only words of positivity and encouragement, ensuring that Hashem bestows upon us blessings of success, life, and joy.
(Based on the writings of the Chofetz Chaim) |