We have two questions concerning “Prayer.”
Firstly, why is it necessary to Pray, and secondly, how does Prayer benefit us?
If it was possible for Hashem to grant our requests, He would bestow His boundless Kindness, and give us whatever we desire. Indeed, He would even grant us our requests, even without our Prayers, because He only wants to shower us with His Goodness! On the other hand, if there are reasons that our Prayers should not be answered, so what is the purpose of our Prayers?
The answer of our Rabbis is very encouraging.
Prayer is an opportunity to strengthen our trust and faith in Hashem. As a result of our efforts to strengthen our trust in Hashem, we will merit to receive whatever we request!
Today: Strengthen your trust in Hashem before, during, and after your Prayer.
(Based on an essay of Rabbi Chaim Freidlander)