
quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

SF - The Incomparable Joy of Mitzvos

The Incomparable Joy of Mitzvos

"One hour of Torah study and good deeds in this world, is far better than all the delights of the World to Come." (Avos 4:17)

How wonderful and sweet is Klal Yisrael's joy, when we do a Mitzvah! Each and every Mitzvah brings us close to the Shechinah, a far greater joy than finding buried treasure.

Lesson: A person rejoices when an earthly king rescues him from poverty and appoints him to be a royal servant. How much more so, Klal Yisrael rejoices because we merit to serve the eternal and highly exalted King of Kings.

App: Before you do a Mitzvah feel the joy of knowing that Mitzvos are pleasing to HaShem, and bring you close to His holy Presence, blessings, and love.

(Based on the Pelah Yoetz)

Salant Foundation | 1330 NE 172 St. | North Miami Beach | FL | 33162

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