The Incomparable Joy of Mitzvos
"One hour of Torah study and good deeds in this world, is far better than all the delights of the World to Come." (Avos 4:17)
How wonderful and sweet is Klal Yisrael's joy, when we do a Mitzvah! Each and every Mitzvah brings us close to the Shechinah, a far greater joy than finding buried treasure.
Lesson: A person rejoices when an earthly king rescues him from poverty and appoints him to be a royal servant. How much more so, Klal Yisrael rejoices because we merit to serve the eternal and highly exalted King of Kings.
App: Before you do a Mitzvah feel the joy of knowing that Mitzvos are pleasing to HaShem, and bring you close to His holy Presence, blessings, and love.
(Based on the Pelah Yoetz) |
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