Refuah Shleimah for Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta and Rachel Yonina bas Leah Raizel My Son, My First Born Child, Israel
The awesome Ten Plagues that won our freedom, reveals the love that HaShem holds for every member of Klal Yisrael. Each individual Jewish soul is infinitely precious to HaShem. Therefore, even if there had been just one Jew, he alone, would have been worthy of the miracles of the Ten Plagues, the splitting of the Red Sea, and the giving the Torah on Mount Sinai.
Lesson: HaShem loves each one of us, as if we are His only child. Therefore, we can be absolutely confident in Him. Just as HaShem saved us from the troubles of the Egyptian bondage, so too, He will compassionately redeem us and provide all of our needs.
App: Reflect on the wonder that HaShem loves you as if you are His only child; and strengthen your trust that He will always help, rescue, and redeem you!
(Based on Darchei Mussar of Rav Yaacov Neiman) |
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