Inner Goodness
Aaron rejoiced when he learned that his brother Moshe was appointed by HaShem to redeem Klal Yisrael from slavery. As a reward for being happy for his brother, Aaron was awarded the Kahunah. He merited to wear the golden chochen (breastplate) on his chest, symbolizing his golden heart. In addition, he bequeathed the Kahunah to all of his descendants, generation after generation.
Lesson: The primary task of man is to rectify his heart, acquire good character traits, and to rejoice when his friend enjoys good fortune.
App: Purify and strengthen the inner goodness in your heart through Mussar study; and receive HaShem's finest blessings in this world and eternal reward in the World to Come.
(Based on Ohr RaShaz of the Saba Kadisha M"Kelm) |
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