The Soft Approach
In the days of King Yeravom ben Yoash, HaShem mercifully granted victory to Klal Yisrael, even though they continued to practice idol worship. If they were spiritually corrupt and unrepentant, why did HaShem show them mercy? HaShem has the merciful attribute of "He does not hold his wrath forever."
Lesson: Even a person is stubbornly unrepentant, HaShem shows him mercy and relieves him of his suffering. He hopes by showing him undeserved mercy and kindness -- perhaps, the person will be moved to repentance!
App: Emulate HaShem by showing mercy to people who have offended you. Draw them close to you with love. Maybe,your graciousness will inspire them to improve their ways.
(Based on Tomer Devorah of Rav Moshe Cordevaro, Chapter One) |
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