The Power of One Small Minute "HaShem rescues us as quickly as the wink of an eye." Had we remained in Egypt for one more minute we would have been lost forever. Why did HaShem wait for the last minute to save us? In one minute we went from death to life, from darkness to light, from pain to happiness, from slavery to freedom. Lesson: Each and every "small" minute of time holds the same power that awakened our spectacular redemption from Egypt. Visualization: Envision that you and your family are helpless slaves in Egypt. Imagine in one minute HaShem reveals Himself with amazing kindness and compassion. In a moments time you, your family, and all of Klal Yisrael go from slavery to freedom. May the awareness that every minute of our life has the potential to deliver us from darkness to light, inspire us to always trust in HaShem. (Based on Ohr Yahel of Rav Yehoshuah Leib Housman) To receive Salant Emails please send "request" to |