in our yearning in our turning in our learning
You are what we seek
be not distant from Your people, from Your Temple, from Your holy city
rise up from the earth, be trampled no more, take your remedy and shine forever
give us the wisdom to know what prayers to say
the feelings to tear open our hearts
the tears of sadness to cry from You from the depths of our hearts
we have no merit, we cry for Your sake, alone.
we wait for Your light to shine upon us and unite us once again one heart one man
quickly quickly quickly shine Your light
we bow down to You and acknowledge You our King
make our will Your will
You are the One we hoped for
our hope is as strong as Your Promise of redemption
quickly quickly quickly shine Your light
quickly shine Your Light, reveal all Your might, give them all Your fight
quickly shine Your light our Holy King
forever to You we will joyously sing
to the Holy One Blessed be He, the King of Kings
Eternal Creator
Elokei Avraham Elokei Yitzchak Elokei Yaacov
Blessed are You HaShem Who returns His Shechinah to Zion