A Covenant of Compassion
When Klal Yisrael were enslaved in Egypt, they gathered together in order to discuss their situation. During this time of unity, they made a covenant among themselves to act with kindness towards each other. What was the significance of this covenant of kindness? They realized that Pharaoh was intensifying the slavery and they could not escape. However, on the spiritual level there was something they could do, They knew that if they acted kindly to each other, HaShem's kindness would be awakened -- and He would rescue them from Pharaoh's harsh decrees.
Lesson: The golden trait of our loving kindness awakens HaShem's kindness. In His compassion, HaShem rescues us from every type of trouble.
Visualization: Envision all of Klal Yisrael gathering together in harmony. See their hearts fill with love. See them do kindly acts for each other. Imagine the Shechinah drawing close and showering them with love, kindness, and redemption. (Based on the commentary of the Chofetz Chaim to the Torah) In order to schedule a ten-minute consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, via skype or phone, send email request to salantorg@gmail.com |