The Sunshine of our Soul
Intuitively we sense that real and wholesome love is the sunshine of the soul. Yet, where is meaningful love found? HaShem taught us the Torah at Mount Sinai, with the warmth of a sage, whose heart overflows with love and mercy for his students. The Torah is the very essence of eternal and perfect love. Therefore, HaShem lovingly grants us the Torah and teaches us with everlasting love, compassion, and kindness.
Lesson:Just as a mother lovingly provides sweet milk for her baby whenever her baby needs to eat, so too, HaShem lovingly provides us with the nectar of Torah, whenever we so desire to partake of its lifegiving nourishment.
Visualization: Envision that you are a young child in the care of the most loving, kind, and compassionate teacher. Feel the warmth, joy, and encouragment of being in his presence. Transfer those wonderful feelings to receiving Torah from your Merciful Creator, Who loves you with everlasting love, kindness, and compassion. (Based on the commentary of Rashi to the Chumash, as explained by Da'as Torah)
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