
sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2017

SF - Create A Positive Reality

Create A Positive Reality

There is a surprising fact about the first three plagues  (blood, frogs, and lice) with which HaShem struck Egypt.  Klal Yisrael, as well as the Egyptians, were struck by these three plagues! The explanation is that the Jews needed a wake-up call to strengthen their trust and faith in HaShem. Yet, in contrast to this, we have a source that reveals that the same water that turned to blood for the Egyptians, remained water for the Jews. Why are there two contradictory accounts of what occurred? In truth, there is no contradiction. Those who were weak of faith needed the plagues to wake them up. However, the righteous Jews who believed fully in HaShem were spared from these trials.

Lesson: Just as the trust in HaShem of the righteous Jews in Egypt protected them from the plagues, so too, our trust in HaShem establishes a positive reality and awakens blessing, protection, and redemption.     

Visualization: Envision all the waters of Egypt turn to blood. See both the Egyptians and the weak of faith amongst the Jews, troubled by the plague. Envision the members of Klal Yisrael, who were strong in their faith in HaShem. When they look at the river, they see water. And when they drink the water, it remains water. Strengthen your trust in HaShem a little more each day, and your life will be filled with HaShem's sweetest blessings.
(Based on the commentary of the Ibn Ezra to the Torah)

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