
segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2017

SF - Interpreting Life's Messages

Interpreting Life's Messages

When Pharaoh refused to comply with HaShem's demand to free Klal Yisrael, HaShem responded with ten plagues. In the first plague, Hashem turned the Egyptian waters to blood. HaShem's purpose was to rebuke the Egyptians for denying the existence of HaShem and worshipping the Nile. By turning the water to blood, HaShem clearly demonstrated to them that He was the all-powerful, Eternal Creator. Moreover, by turning the water to blood, HaShem revealed His great mercy to Pharaoh. HaShem declared to Pharaoh, "If I turned the object that you worship into blood, surely I should have - and could have - punished you! For you are an idol worshipper and you lead your people astray. Nevertheless, I act with mercy towards you, sparing your life and hoping that you will understand and repent."

Lesson: Even though HaShem has unlimited power and mastery over all of His creations, He is not quick to punish those who rebel against Him. He first acts with compassion, hoping that the wayward people will be moved to recognize HaShem and improve their ways.

Visualization: Envision the Nile River and all the waters in Egypt have turned into blood. Imagine how this event shocks the Egyptians. See them all scrambling to find water, but to no avail. How many amongst them realize the true significance of this phenomenon? Reflect on the events in your life. Recognize HaShem's compassion and contemplate on the messages that HaShem is communicating through these events.
(Based on the commentary of Ohr HaChaim to the Torah)        

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