
terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2017

SF - Don't Judge Me

Don't Judge Me 
"Hillel said, 'Do not judge another person until you are standing in his place.'" (Avos 2:4) Even exceptional people are subject to the frailty of human nature. If, in your opinion, your friend's behavior falls short, be aware that if you were in his shoes you might have acted in a similar manner. Since we cannot assume that we are better than others, it is also inappropriate to judge them. 

Lesson: Instead of judging people for their misconduct, empathize with them and help them rectify their mistake.

Visualization: Envision Rabbi Yisrael Salanter smoking a pipe in the smoking section of the train. (This story took place a few hundred years ago, before the dangers of tabaco were known.) The passenger seated next to him berates him because the smoke is bothering him. Instead of standing up for his rights to smoke while seated in the smoking section, Rabbi Yisrael Salanter respectfully puts out his pipe.    
(Based on the commentary of Rabenu Yona to Pirkei Avos)

*New printing of the Salant Foundation's "Ohr Yisrael"Click Here

*Salant Foundation Publications" Click Here

*To schedule a ten-minute phone consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, send email to

Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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