
quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2017

SF - Shine With the Light of Your Inner Goodness

Shine With the Light of Your Inner Goodness

Once after Hillel finished his Torah lecture, he told his students that he is going to perform "the 
Mitzvah of bathing in the bathhouse." They asked, "Is bathing a Mitzvah?" He explained, "An earthly king appoints a special assistant to clean the royal statues that are formed in  the likeness of the king. How much more so, is it a Mitzvah for man, who he is created in HaShem's likeness, to honor the King by washing himself."

Lesson: The holy Image of HaShem and His goodness shines upon the countenance of man. Therefore, it is a Mitzvah for man to honor HaShem, by cleaning himself so that his face projects the pure Image of HaShem.

Visualization: Envision the holy face of Hillel. See him washing his face with the intention of honoring HaShem. When you wash your face remind yourself that you are created in the Image of Hashem. Contemplate on your inner purity, goodness, and holiness. Shine with the dignity and nobility of one who is created in the Image of HaShem.    
(Based on Orchos Tzadikim)

To schedule a ten-minute phone consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, send email to

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L"N R' Yochanon Mordecai ben Ephraim and Moras Esther Leah bas Yehudah Yoseph

Refuah Shleimah Yochanon Baruch ben Fruma Etta 
Refuah Shleimah R' Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettel
Refuah Shleimah Avraham ben Faige
Refuah Sheimah Dovid Noach ben Shoshana Raizel
Refuah Shleimah Shaya ben Malkah
Refuah Shleimah Chaya Raizel bas Dena
Refuah Shleimah Miriam bas Chana
Refuah Shleimah Yisrael Gedalya ben Reva
Refuah Shleimah Yitzchak Eliezer ben Fruma Baila
Refuah Shleimah Don ben Rachel
Refuah Shleimah for Leah Devorah bas Malkah
Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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