
segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2017

SF - A Perfect Diamond

A Perfect Diamond

When HaShem told Avraham that his descendants would inherit the Land of Israel, Avraham requested a sign that this would come to fruition. HaShem looked on Avraham's request as a minuscule "lack of faith." As a result of Avraham's slight "waning in faith," HaShem sent Klal Yisrael into the Egyptian bondage. Even though Avraham had a passing moment of doubt, nevertheless, it did not detract from his great mastery of faith. Therefore, at the time of the redemption from Egypt, HaShem revealed that Avraham established -- and upholds -- the central pillar of faith of Klal Yisrael. Therefore, the merit of Avraham's great righteousness sufficed to awaken the entire miraculous Exodus from Egypt. 

Lesson:  Just as a defect in a diamond significantly reduces its' value, so too, the smallest breach in faith undermines its integrity, even for a master of faith. 

App: View your faith as a perfect diamond that gives endless supplies of light and life.  Overcome every doubt in your faith, so that your faith always stands robust, whole, and dynamic.
(Based on the commentary of the Mahari to the Torah)

*New printing of the Salant Foundation's "Ohr Yisrael"Click Here

*To schedule a ten-minute phone consultation with Rabbi Zvi Miller, send email to

Salant Foundation, 1330 NE 172 St., North Miami Beach, FL 33162
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