The Light of Your Soul
"And Yaacov dreamed: Behold, a ladder was stationed on the earth and the top reached unto Heaven, and behold, Angels of Elokim ascended and descended..." (Bereishis 28:12). When a person does a good deed in this world, it awakens Divine illumination to shine upon the essence of his soul. The good deeds that Yaacov performed thus far in his life, appeared to him in his dream as Angels. The ascending Angels allude to his good deeds ascending to HaSHem. While the descending Angels allude to the Divine light which descend upon his soul, as a result of his good deeds.
Lesson: The powerful effect of Mitzvos and good deeds extends far beyond our conscious awareness. Indeed, Mitzvos are like a seed planted in the ground that blossoms into a fruit-bearing tree.
App: When you perform a Mitzvah: envision that it transforms into Angels. And pure, white Divine light illuminates your soul and sanctifies your entire being. (Based on the commentary of the Ohr HaChaim to the Torah)